Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Uganda Martyrs Seminary Appeal

Here is an opportunity to act as a human, not as an android:

Today I met Father Sabino Odoki, rector of the Alokolum Seminary, also known as the "Uganda Martyrs Seminary". Father Sabino explained something to me of the background and present situation of the seminary.

Despite several closings due to social unrest and financial problems, the seminary has been in existence in one form or another since 1953, and has trained over 1,000 candidates to the priesthood, of which about 500 have become priests and are serving in Uganda and around the world.

Uganda has suffered from civil war since 1986. In May 2003, rebels abducted 41 seminarians from their neighboring minor seminary and forced them into military service. Several may have been killed. Originally based in Gulu, the school relocated 300 miles south to Bukalasa, in an effort to protect the remaining students and teaching staff and to escape the chaos.

At this new location, living conditions are difficult. The seminary is overcrowded, there are shortages of food and clean water, and sanitation facilities are inadequate.

Father Sabino has placed an appeal for financial assistance to support the seminarians, to help develop a farm, to reconstruct the seminary library, and to drill a well at the new location.

It's important to understand that the work of these seminary students extends beyond the walls of their classrooms. These men serve their local communities in many ways and offer a stabilizing social presence in a land torn by political violence.

Of course, there are many worthy causes needing help and this is just one. It's difficult and perhaps naieve to advocate supporting one over another... how do we weigh the human costs?

Some relief situations are obviously pressing, such as the emerging genocide in Darfur (yes, I will use the term, based on the reports). Can we stop the immediate pain, save lives, prop up some kind of temporary security.

Also, we always have an obligation to study the recipient's credibility: will the funds be used wisely, for the intended purposes? Are the administrators honest and efficient?.

But I think this one bears at least a few minutes of consideration. Regardless of your religious beliefs or political preferences, please consider helping out.

Father Sabino is only in the US for a few days, but you may obtain a brochure with more information from:

Alokolum Seminary, care of
Comboni Missionaries
1318 Nagel Road
Cincinati, OH 45255-3120
tel. (513)-474-4996
fax. (513)-474-0382

I haven't found out yet if there is any web-based information about the seminary, but I'll post the links later if I find out more.


At 1:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Android,
It with gratitude that I write to you today, thankyou for the information you wrote on your website, as I was passing through cetain infromations, I happened to come across this beautiful message of your. I got so moved by it and may the lord alaways bless you for that.
Please write me on my email I wanna discuss some stuff with you right away.
Thank you
Father Sabino Odoki

At 1:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Android,
It's with gratitude that I write to you today, thankyou for the information you wrote on your website, as I was passing through cetain infromations, I happened to come across this beautiful message of yours. I got so moved by it and may the lord alaways bless you for that.
Please write me on my email I wanna discuss some stuff with you right away.
Thank you
Father Sabino Odoki

At 2:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I changed my email to
Use it to write me
Father Sabino


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