Saturday, September 18, 2004

Commuting with Mere Christianity

Lately, on the morning drive to work, I've been listening to an audiobook edition of Mere Christianity from C.S. Lewis. Funny thing is, PBS just began running a series - "The Question of God" - that compares the world views of Lewis and Freud. Guess I'll have to dust off Civilizations and its Discontents after I finish with Lewis...but I doubt that anybody has produced a CD version of that work. Okay, then, the broader question is: whose thinking has captured the popular imagination better? Does commercialization indicate more acceptance? You can buy books by or about either man in any Barnes and Noble or Borders... but how do publishers measure their expected market for new media versions? Somebody runs through this little exercise and makes the business decision...but who ultimately decides which man's thinking had a greater impact on the 20th century? You and I, probably, in our daily behavior? Or in our dreams?


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